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Finished and printing!

It feels great to finally be done with the Hyper and Cubism! It’s such a nice feeling to be able to see your work, and look back on how you accomplished it through your WordPress. I am happy with how the outcome of the cubist and the hyper project came out!

Art in the classroom

Last week the children were working on different pieces of art, inspired by Mondrian. We used black lines and they had the chance to arrange them and make their own creation. It was pretty awesome to see what 4 and 5 year olds can come up with.

Time flies

It’s going to be a long week! The time is flying this year…we are already almost off for Thanksgiving break and the semester is almost over! After working with children all year, It’s my first time getting sick. 😦  Uh oh!


Finally today after 3 days, power came back on! It has been a cold and dark few days..but happy to see things are back to normal. School was off yesterday because of the storm, and today began the week. I feel mentally and physically exhausted from having no power though, and lack of sleep. Plus, halloween was spent at my house with no power 😦

Last weekend

Bear Mountain Hike

Last weekend during Columbus day weekend I went on a hike in Bear Mountain Park. It was a difficult but beautiful hike..but one problem. I forgot my camera !So I wasn’t able to take any quality pictures, besides my phone. The trees weren’t fully in bloom but it was still beautiful at the top.

Mixing Colors and Trial and Error

The only part of my day that I do art is when I have projects with my students. All of last week my students were mixing colors. They were mixing basic colors, Red and Yellow…Blue and Red…and Blue and Yellow. Although it is simple in mixing colors, the outcomes of the shades of colors are so interesting to see. It is as if it is a trial and error, which I feel photoshop is a little about..trying different things in your pictures to get a certain product. Using more color or more of something to try is how you will get your favorite and best result. A part of me has no idea what I am doing in my project because Photoshop is brand new to me and I don’t know how to use every tool. But I am going to try anyway!

So after talking to my sister and thinking of different ideas..I have come up with the conclusion that I will do the Hyper project on the Chicago bean. Some ideas are:

1. Background of the country since the bean is set in the city with the skyscrapers

2. Make the bean glow I found this picture online and I think I want to do something similar with the background and make it seem like it is like a diamond in the city


3. I also like the idea of making this bean look like a fantasy world outside. For example, Jack and the Beanstalk

Thoughts first week

While I was thinking about photographs for HyperRealism this week, what came to mind was using pictures that I used when I traveled. I took a lot of scenic pictures while I was away and I think I would like to try and incorporate these pictures as the background of a project and perhaps work on distorting the foreground of the pictures

I also thought about animals and how you can take a lot of pictures of animals to play with texture and color, light and different angles while shooting photos